Maui listview. I'd like to control how the focused item is styled.

Maui listview. The RelativeSource markup extension is 1.

Stephanie Eckelkamp

Maui listview. com/5zl83gtu/conan-exiles-unable-to-connect-to-server.

Maui listview. ListView obsahuje také podporu zobrazení záhlaví a zápatí, seskupených dat, obnovení a položek místní nabídky. SetSeparatorStyle method, in the Microsoft. Create a New . " (If you find it required - use converter). Focus(); Nov 15, 2023 · A . Custom cells can be created for items using the ViewCell class. Mar 1, 2023 · I recommend to use CollectionView instead of ListView. Selection Mode Feb 13, 2024 · 當 ListView 管理清單的外觀時,清單中每個項目的外觀是由 DataTemplate 使用 Cell 來顯示專案的 所定義。. 投稿日: 2021/09/03 作成者: masuda. ListView. This example demonstrates about how to show the items count in Footer view of . Add(string. Set up the RadListView instance: 2. Guangyu Bai - MSFT. NET MAUI) data templates provide the ability to define the presentation of data on supported controls. (继承自 VisualElement ) Notify Row Tapped (Int32, Cell) 供 Microsoft. You need to set BindingContext for your page and set the ItemsSource for ListView. Jan 2, 2023 · 🎁ALL-ACCESS Subscription: Unlock access to all of my courses, both now and in the future at a low $19. So you can use the following code to force the keyboard appear. NET MAUI ListView Commands for operations like item swiping, item tap, reordering, pull to refresh Jan 17, 2023 · CollectionView has a Selected VisualState that can be used to initiate a visual change to the selected item in the CollectionView. ItemsSource="{Binding Resources}" Jul 13, 2022 · Location = "China", Details = "The black snub-nosed monkey, also known as the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, is an endangered species of primate in the family Cercopithecidae. com/all-access💎Learn . An IEnumerable collection that defines the items belonging to the group. My Dashboard Products Downloads Support. Basically, the UI is not updating / showing the ListView rows & values. NET MAUI ListView (SfListView) allows you to select items either programmatically or touch interactions by setting the SfListView. NET MAUI ListView. As a temporary solution, you can customize the ViewCell with Microsoft. Compatibility. The ListView has a default group header that is displayed when grouping is applied. how-to-update-the-items-dynamically-in-. Write better code with AI. public enum Types { FooA, FooB } Apr 3, 2023 · Create a DataTemplateSelector. Initialize the SfListView control. Its Id property is used to map the command to the corresponding action with the control: Review the Telerik UI for . UseTelerik extension method called inside the CreateMauiApp method of the MauiProgram. A TableView is typically used for displaying items where each row has a different appearance, such as presenting a table of settings. ItemTemplate> </ListView>. And if you don’t, I will show you how! It’s quite easy and the ListView in . The equivalent C# code is: C#. NET MAUI) ListView visualizza un elenco verticale scorrevole di elementi di dati selezionabili. The Grouping is part of Telerik UI for . Green; public Color OddNumberColor { get; init; } = Colors. NET MAUI! To try it out, sign up for a free 30-day trial and Mar 31, 2023 · There are 2 elements binding data in my test app, one is Button, another is Listview. The ExpandDirection enumeration defines the following members: Indicates that the Expander content is under the header. The BindingContext of the GroupHeader is a complex object and it includes the following properties: IsExpanded—Defines a value indicating whether the group is currently expanded (has its child items visible). Import the control namespace Syncfusion. The GroupHeaderStyle enumeration provides two possible values: The Telerik UI for . May 2, 2023 · populate another listview for edit operations on the item I clicked. iOSSpecific namespace, is used to control whether the separator between cells in the ListView uses the full width of the ListView, with the SeparatorStyle enumeration Dec 23, 2022 · The ListView. NET MAUI ListView Events like Item Events, Selection Events, Group/Reorder Events and Swipe Feb 13, 2024 · Program . . 2 Define the ListView in code-behind. May 30, 2023 · DotNet MAUI Tutorial Series: https://www. AllowSwiping property to true. And you can try the comment in this issue. Maui. Scrolling – the ability to scroll through the list and ensure that the UI doesn't lag behind touch gestures. NET MAUI application fast performance and smooth scrolling for large data sets. The RelativeSource markup extension is 1. It allows single or multiple selection of the ListView items. The list of groups should be an IEnumerable<T> collection, where T defines two pieces of data: A group name. Format("item {0}", i)); } return items; } } 2. ItemsSource property is set to the static NamedColor. But if I disable ButtonText = $"It took {totalSecs} seconds" in ViewModel, Listview can be refreshed automatically. When users swipe, they reveal a designated custom view with buttons, images etc. You also need to set ListViewItem. I found the Xamarin official docs ListView performance for you. This will perform reorder operation on the data. ListView 还支持显示页眉和页脚、分组数据、下拉以刷新和上下文菜单项 The ListView control for . Selection: The ListView component supports both single and public: property int RowHeight { int get(); void set(int value); }; public int RowHeight { get; set; } member this. Apr 14, 2023 · The LazyView control allows you to delay the initialization of a View. They are similar with some differences: CollectionView and ListView differences. The page you are looking for is not available due to a bad request, or it may have moved to a new location. 7, 8, 9 Preview. The control is easy to use and packed with every feature you would need from a ListView component – data binding, load on demand Aug 29, 2023 · Syncfusion . You can check this link about Change selected item color. Nov 7, 2022 · Make sure that the ListView isn't in ScrollView or VerticalStackLayout - otherwise it might be forced to calculate height of all items. I have a CollectionView on a page that is displaying data from a List<> of items. Nov 14, 2023 · The template is cloned for every item in the ListView, and data bindings that have been set on the template are transferred to the individual clones. net-maui-listview This examples explains about how to refresh the view when updating source dynamically using timer. NET MAUI) TableView displays a table of scrollable items that can be grouped into sections. You can use ScrollView and Entrys to Bind the property of selected Items like following layout. SetIsFastScrollEnabled method, in the Microsoft. The auther provide a Nuget package to achieve the effect you want. Consider a CollectionView that displays a collection of Person objects. The following example shows the definition of the Person class: C#. NET MAUI, with the help of the NamedColor class: . ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextCell Text=" {Binding FruitName}" /> </DataTemplate> </ListView. L'interfaccia utente dell'app multipiattaforma . 2. mi Jul 18, 2022 · 1. NET MAUI ListView Selection. Options to define the ListView control - in XAML or code-behind: 2. NET MAUI is a virtualized list component that presents lists of data. iOSSpecific namespace, is used to control whether row animations are disabled when the ListView items collection is being updated. When the app on iOS (whether device or simulator) goes to the background and then back to the foreground, the content of the CellViews disappears. Packages. They are created with the RelativeSource markup extension, and set as the Source property of a binding expression. 4 days ago · Explore our other offers. Microsoft. It is threatened by habitat loss. The NamedColor class uses . dll. The ObservableCollection is a collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. You might also try to swap ListView for CollectionView as that is a preferable control moving forward with better performance. Bind the ItemTapCommand through the predefined ListViewUserCommand command. ListView and then install it. <MenuItem Text="Delete" />. Browse the sample. Find and fix vulnerabilities. The . Create a ViewModel: items. Mar 9, 2023 · Description In MAUI ListView control the Item selected color on Android by default is Orange and there doesn't seem to be any property or something mentioned in MAUI documentation "https://learn. This event is raised whenever items come to view and triggered with QueryItemSizeEventArgs. Jul 28, 2023 · This is in . NET reflection to enumerate all the static public fields in the Colors class, and to store them with their names in a collection that is accessible from the static All property. Jan 16, 2023 · For this, you can check document Define MenuItem behavior with MVVM. This feature provides both visual and programmatic feedback for the actions of the user. The listview name is (Trx_List): var sorted = Punch_times. ListView in XAML or C# code. Therefore, I am convinced that the UI is not being notified that the ObservableCollection has been Nov 20, 2023 · Browse the sample. The source for this content can be found on GitHub, where you can also create and review issues and pull requests. CollectionView collectionView = new CollectionView(); Mar 20, 2024 · In ListView, the SelectionChanging event will be raised when selecting an item at the execution time. iOSSpecific namespace, is used to control whether ListView header cells float during scrolling. First, if the developer sets the RowHeight property to a positive value, then all rows in the ListView, irrespective of the height of their content, will be as tall as the specified RowHeight property value. You can show items count in footer of ListView by directly binding the count property of ItemsSource bind with ListView. 例) ListDataにはこんな形でViewModel内のプロパティとして入っているとします。 Learn how easily you can create and configure Syncfusion MAUI ListView using Visual Studio 2022 and . QueryItemSize event provides the following properties in their Mar 2, 2023 · You should use a UniformGrid (with a single row) instead of a StackPanel for the ItemsPanel! UniformGrid will stretch to fill its parent, StackPanel cannot. Add the custom command to the ViewModel: 2. Any ideas? TIA. Second, You can change the color. Indicates that the Expander content is above the header. That's why i recommend to use CollectionView. While TableView manages the appearance of the table, the appearance of each item in the Jun 5, 2023 · By default, the scrolling will be animated. It is endemic to China, where it is known to the locals as the Yunnan golden hair monkey and the black golden hair monkey. ContextActions>. The following are four different types of positions: MakeVisible: Scrolls a specific item to make visible in the view. 1 Define the ListView in XAML. Add the telerik namespace: 2. However,There is a known issue about iOS GroupHeaderTemplate :ListView GroupHeaderTemplate produces blank headers on iOS and MacCatalyst. Mar 2, 2023 · where your binding is the ViewModel or whatever data Item you have and MyTemplateSelector is a regular DataTemplateSelector as you would use for a CollectionView. Create sample Data and ViewModel classes: 4. A ListView is populated using "ItemsSource" property which takes any collection Sep 12, 2021 · How to create a ListView in . Create a view model that will be the source of the ListView: 2. You could also achieve your goal using a StackLayout in combination with a BindableLayout, then you have the option to set the Spacing property of the StackLayout. This is the code I am currently using: x:Name="ReportList". This class defines the following properties: Buttons, of type ButtonsMask, which defines whether the primary or secondary mouse button, or both, triggers the gesture on Android, Mac Catalyst, and Nov 15, 2023 · The . xaml. (Btw a hint when writing, if you do not set "DataType", release will show blank ListView, while debug will work fine, so keep in mind this, if its not school project) Also I suggest CollectionView instead of 提供一种允许子类重写 Measure (Double, Double, MeasureFlags) 的方法,即使必须显式实现 接口,以避免与旧的 Measure 方法冲突。. One is about [MacOS, iOS] ListView and CollectionView on the fly changes don't change the size of the layout. The HasLazyViewLoaded property can be examined to determine when the LazyView is loaded. N 1. QueryItemSize event using the item index. NET MAUI you can do almost the same as you did in Xamarin, if you have experience in that. name) Mar 16, 2023 · What you want to do its called "Nested CollectionView" or "Populate Nested data inside of a CollectionView" you can use a StackLayout inside your CollectionView and set the property BindableLayout. MAUIではFlexLayoutにより、子の要素を水平方向にスタックして溢れた場合はラップさせるレイアウトが可能だが、子の要素を動的に生成するListViewやCollectionView内でFlexLayoutを使うことはできなそう May 3, 2023 · First, you can use the Selected VisualState that can be used to initiate a visual change to the selected item in the CollectionView. MainPage. Add the definition of the ListView control: 3. so looking at your class example your data template selector could look maybe like this. Instant dev environments. Similarly, you can bind the ItemTapped, ItemDoubleTapped, and ItemLongPress event. C#. HorizontalContentAlignment to Stretch using ItemContainerStyle. Dec 23, 2022 · The ListView. In addition, a Grid can be used as a parent layout that contains other child layouts. Host and manage packages. NET 7. Cell swipe allows end-users to use swipe gestures on cells. <ContentPage. For CollectionView issue, it's recommended that you open a new thread and please explain The example below demonstrates how to create a list view with text cells, like this: 1. I'm creating a ListView that has some simple items inside a ViewCell. Another solution is to remove the x:DataType altogether, but then you will lose the functionality as a whole. ListView também inclui suporte para exibir cabeçalhos e rodapés, dados agrupados, pull-to-refresh e itens de menu de contexto. NET MAUI Binding a List to a Context View. NET MAUI obsahuje typy buněk pro zobrazení kombinací textu a obrázků a můžete také definovat vlastní buňky, které zobrazují libovolný obsah. FooterTemplate ( DataTemplate )—Defines the Footer of the ListView after all items. Copy. Feb 13, 2024 · 虽然 ListView 管理列表的外观,但列表中每个项的外观由使用 Cell 显示项的 DataTemplate 定义。. Create a view model that will be the source of the list view: 2. NET MAUI 包含用來顯示文字和影像組合的儲存格類型,您也可以定義顯示您想要之任何內容的自訂儲存格。. Therefore, the ListView is filled with all of the NamedColor When the app developer sets the HasUnevenRows property to false, the behavior of the list view depends on the RowHeight property. MVVM for the SelectionChanging event can be achieved by binding the event to command converter. ListView enthält auch Unterstützung für die Anzeige von Kopf- und Fußzeilen, gruppierte Daten, Aktualisierung durch Ziehen und Kontextmenüelemente. NET MAUI zawiera typy komórek do wyświetlania kombinacji tekstu i obrazów, a także można zdefiniować komórki niestandardowe, które wyświetlają dowolną zawartość. AndroidSpecific namespace, is used to enable fast scrolling through data in a ListView. For background color issue of selected item on Windows platform, I have posted a comment, you could check if it works. Steps to Reproduce. NET Multi-platform App UI (. Apr 3, 2023 · Data must be grouped before it can be displayed. The value converter: public Color EvenNumberColor { get; init; } = Colors. SearchEntry. I Tried the following grouping of the list, It showed the list grouped but without the group name. The following example shows how to add a Header and a Footer to the ListView control. The ListView provides you with the functionality to programmatically group its data at runtime. <ViewCell>. For more information, see our contributor guide . Online Documentation. Versions. NET MAUI App from the template; Replace the content of Jun 3, 2022 · 1. This data control is indispensable for scenarios that require scrolling and manipulation of large number of items. public class Person. May 2, 2023 · 1. I'd like to control how the focused item is styled. Sep 28, 2021 · Built-in UI Virtualization: The UI virtualization provides the end users of your . SelectionMode property value something other than None. In XAML, this is achieved with the Binding markup extension: XAML. Jan 21, 2024 · 都道府県の入力リストはグリッド型(格子状)にしたい。. When using ListView, there are a number of user experiences that should be optimized: Initialization – the time interval starting when the control is created, and ending when items are shown on screen. MAUI を始める、というか調べることにしたので、なにはともあれ Web API を呼び出して、なにかリスト表示をしようと作ってみる。. Mar 2, 2023 · There are two similar issues on the github. NET MAUI) tap gesture recognizer is used for tap detection and is implemented with the TapGestureRecognizer class. I have a ListView in a dotnet MAUI Windows app with a custom viewcell for the item template. ItemsSource from ViewModel. You can refer to the following code: MainPage. NET MAUI is very customizable. You need to provide the type of the View that you want to be rendered, using the x:TypeArguments XAML namespace attribute, and handle its initialization using the LoadViewAsync method. Selection —The . Jun 5, 2023 · Customize item size of a particular item on-demand. This issue has been moved to the Backlog milestone. May 25, 2023 · ListViewなどでListViewには表データをバインディングしている場合において(バインディングしている表データではない)ViewModelのプロパティをバインディングするには. ListView can display a list of every named color that's available in . (note: this works for WPF/UWP apps - see below for MAUI) Also, All public properties should me camel case: C#. NET MAUI Community Toolkit to appear items, you do not need Listview to show item properties. Controls namespace. This can be accomplished by creating a list of groups, where each group is a list of items. Dec 28, 2022 · Each cell's BindingContext defines all of the cell data. Controls. net Maui ViewList Binding with an ObservableCollection. Grouping, Sorting and Filtering: Easily visualize your items in groups, sort and filter them based on predefined criteria. NET MAUI 包括用于显示文本和图像组合的单元格类型,还可以定义显示所需内容的自定义单元格。. public ObservableCollection<MyVariables> Variables { get; set; } = new ObservableCollection<MyVariables>() {. I've found that if I change the . youtube. ListView 也包含顯示頁首和頁尾、分組數據、提取重新 Dec 23, 2022 · The ListView. In addition, the SetIsFastScrollEnabled method can be used to toggle fast scrolling by calling the IsFastScrollEnabled method to return whether fast scrolling is Mar 14, 2023 · The List should be bound to the nested ListView ItemSource, and then bind the Label to ". And for the android, if you call the SearchEntry. dont forget to add your namespace. NET MAUI ListView (SfListView). All property. The image below shows how swiping right can reveal a Delete button on the left: You can reveal another custom view if the user swipes left. xml file for each platform. RowHeight : int with get, set Feb 13, 2024 · O . I do sorting and filtering in a code behind on the page by changing the List with LINQ, and then setting the BindingContext of the view, like this: MyView. NET MAUI ListView Reorder Items. This property uses the TwoWay binding mode, and has a default value of false. . The items reorder feature allows end-users reorder the list view data items. Product. Notify Row Tapped (Int32, Cell, Boolean) 以垂直列表的形式显示 May 30, 2023 · May 30, 2023 by Bradley Wells. NET MAUI ListView supports both single and multiple selections and you can also select items on tap and hold gestures. NET MAUI. <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Monkeys}" />. <ListView x:Name="FruitListView" ItemsSource=" {Binding Fruits}"> <ListView. For detailed information on using the swiping events, refer to the Cell Swipe topic. For the LIST VIEW - selected item background color change is not working. NET MAUI components are available on nuget. Also try setting HeightRequest for ListView and the layout of items. Apr 19, 2023 · For the original ListView or CollectionView, you can not move the elements by dragging them manually. In this video, the ListView control was added t Jun 4, 2023 · Now the Binding data context is set, the ListView binding will work. It also works for Maui. And the issue already has been reported on GitHub- Android: ListView Item selected color is by default Orange and no property available to change this color #13812, please continue following the progress. 1. Only empty cells remain. A ListView is a view for presenting scrollable lists of data. Sep 21, 2022 · 3. org. Handlers Feb 23, 2024 · The . Nov 24, 2022 · A simple page consists only a ListView, which has a ViewCell as DataTemplate. cs file of your project: builder. This data control is essential for scenarios that require scrolling through and manipulating a large set of items. NET 6. Třída ListView je odvozena z ItemsView<Cell> třídy, ze které Jan 2, 2022 · Maui ListView binding to items of a list. On<iOS> method specifies that this platform-specific will only run on iOS. Codespaces. xaml ContentPage with an associated . <DataTemplate>. Automate any workflow. To add SfListView to your project, open the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio, search for Syncfusion. But Listview cannnot be refreshed automatically. Feb 13, 2023 · I want to populate a list view in Maui, so that the data will be grouped based on the name, as below: It should show like this. ListView Obejmuje również obsługę wyświetlania nagłówków i stopek, grupowanych danych, ściągania do odświeżania i elementów menu kontekstowego. Each cell is largely similar, with the cell template unchanging. NET MAUI ListView control. But you can check this link about the CollectionView Drag & Drop Item Reordering Spec. GroupBy(x => x. ItemsSource with the nested object, in your case, you will use "Students" and that will allow you to populate a nested collection inside of a CollectionView, something like that Feb 13, 2024 · NET MAUI enthält Zelltypen zum Anzeigen von Text- und Bildkombinationen, und Sie können auch benutzerdefinierte Zellen definieren, die beliebige Inhalte anzeigen. A ListView classe deriva da classe, da Sep 3, 2021 · MAUI で ListView を使って撃沈してみるテスト (Windowsのほうは大丈夫). When I select one of the items it becomes orange. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use ObservableCollection in . Besides the Caching strategy, it also gives some other ListView performance suggestions to enhance performance of Listview. <resources>. You won't get a separator between items, though. When I click and hold (to open the context actions) it becomes white <ListView. NET MAUI ListView (SfListView) allows you to add or remove items by updating the collection bound to the SfListView. だが、作ってみる途中で Nov 15, 2023 · CollectionView can be populated with data by using data binding to bind its ItemsSource property to an IEnumerable collection. https://frankliucs. 0. If the item is already in view, scrolling will not occur. What you need is a . The ListView exposes a few useful events related to the item swiping feature, namely ItemSwipeStarting, ItemSwiping and ItemSwipeCompleted. Explore the Telerik UI for . The SfListView. GroupDescriptors collection. xml on the android platform. Mentre ListView gestisce l'aspetto dell'elenco, l'aspetto di ogni elemento nell'elenco è definito da un DataTemplate oggetto che usa un Cell oggetto per visualizzare gli elementi. It just render a blank headers. Key Features of the Telerik . To enable swiping, set the SfListView. Security. public object Header { get; set; } Learn more about the Microsoft. A new object has been added to the collection of ViewModel. Applies to. Gets or sets the color of the bar that separates list items. Swipe views are displayed when swiping from left to right or right to left (for Horizontal orientation, top to bottom, or bottom to top) on the item. Focus(); to make the entry focused, the keyboard will not appear unless the user click the entry. 99 / month. ItemTemplate>. ViewModel commands bound to view for adding or removing an item. cs page. The control has different selection modes to perform selection operations listed as follows: None: Allows disabling selection. For the COLLECTION VIEW - preselected item is not working. Add the following sample DataTemplates to the resources of the page that will be used as: Dec 27, 2022 · The SfListView allows swiping items to achieve custom actions such as deleting the data, adding the data, editing the data, etc. The other one is about ListView with resizing ViewCell has strange behaviour on iOS. Jan 9, 2024 · I can reproduce the issue on . xaml during debugging (using the hot reload process), then the values of the ListView magically appear. Collaborate with us on GitHub. About Jun 30, 2023 · The ListView. NET MAUI inclui tipos de célula para exibir combinações de texto e imagens, e você também pode definir células personalizadas que exibem qualquer conteúdo desejado. The ListView component exposes selection feature. Jan 29, 2023 · AFAIK a ListView doesn't support something like an item spacing, so you would always need some other trick to do it using that. NET MAUI, the most comprehensive UI suite for . You can use Popup - . 15. Copilot. Here is the Xaml file. NET MAUI using . Gets or sets the string, binding, or view that will be displayed at the top of the list view. By default, a Grid contains one row and one column. NET MAUI ListView Cell Swipe. Controls 平台内部使用。. NET MAUI ListView is a virtualized list control that presents lists of data items. To solve this problem I added a LineNumber property to my view model and used a value converter to set the color. BindingContext>. Feb 28, 2023 · Determines if the Expander is expanded. The ListView. NET (. Jan 19, 2024 · Optimize ListView performance. Add the telerik namespaces: 3. Also you can disable the selection. BindingContext = FilteredData; On IOS this works fine, every time, no problem. You can set position of an item in view while scrolling by passing ScrollToPosition to ScrollToRowIndex method. It can be used to optimize the performance of data-heavy applications, built natively for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS. These notifications are useful when you want to update the UI automatically whenever the underlying . Register the Telerik controls through the Telerik. This can be achieved through adding group descriptors to the RadListView. Feb 8, 2023 · From above code,I found that you haven't set the ItemsSource for ListView, that is to say there is no data for ListView to render. The SfListView allows customizing the size of the item on-demand by the SfListView. For android, change the style. SetRowAnimationsEnabled method, in the Microsoft. SetGroupHeaderStyle method, in the Microsoft. NET MAUI) Grid, is a layout that organizes its children into rows and columns, which can have proportional or absolute sizes. NET MAUI ListView Group Header Template. RefreshControlColor in the Microsoft. 0. NET8. The example below demonstrates how to create a ListView with templated cells, like this: 1. com/watch?v=O3-jFuXqASE&list=PLzewa6pjbr3KKuUTp8ivXjcR4rvFvyoNw&index=1&pp=sAQBWelcome to the 6th video of o Jun 17, 2022 · So if you want to use that, you will have to apply a x:DataType attribute to your ViewCell or any of the lower children so that the bindings in there will know they now need to look at another object. Red; public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) Mar 25, 2023 · And when you set the isBusy = true again, the entry is enabled but it will not auto focus. Apr 3, 2023 · In this article. So, to create a ListView in . If the feature is enabled, when the user holds on an item, the reorder mode is triggered and the user can move and release the item at the desired position. The MenuItem class supports the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern through BindableProperty objects and the ICommand interface. NET MAUI) relative bindings provide the ability to set the binding source relative to the position of the binding target. Different layouts and orientation —You can choose between the linear and grid layout as well as define the scroll direction of the MAUI ListView layout. XAML. <ViewCell. PlatformConfiguration. Add the telerik namespaces: Learn more about the text cells in the Telerik UI for . A common use case for this VisualState is to change the background color of the selected item, which is shown in the following XAML example: The . answered Apr 19, 2023 at 9:22. At the moment it becomes grey and has a little blue line on the left edge. yi mo fu uy og te mr qx yp tr